Restraining Orders

A restraining order is a court order that can protect individuals from abuse or harassment from another person. There are several different types of restraining orders in California, including a domestic violence restraining order, a civil harassment order and a dependent adult restraining order. Domestic violence restraining orders should be used if you seek protection from a spouse or partner, while civil harassment orders are for neighbors or associates. Dependent adult restraining orders are used to protect against elder abuse.

Linda K Law can help you or your loved ones get a restraining order against someone to protect you if and will prevent a harasser or abuser from contacting or going near you, your children, other relatives, or others who live with you , not have a gun move out of your house, follow child custody and visitation orders, pay child support, pay spousal or partner support, stay away from the pet(s). A restraining order can also prevent someone from taking children away from California or even the county which you live in. Restraining Orders are valid in all 50 states.